TMOS00-05 housing for TMOS sensor STHS34PF80(housing only)



Here is only the purchase of Housing, doesn't include lens
TMOS 00-05 for STHS34PF80
(4mm form factor, High transmittance, 6 different colors, Laptop, ceiling, presence detector)

This document specifies TMOS00-05 cover for TMOS sensor STHS34PF80 from STMicroelectronics, PCB TMOS_34PF80Rev2.1_noled_FrontCable.

TMOS 00-05 works as a cover to protect TMOS sensor from dust, water, and human touch. The cover has a tiny form factor, which is only diameter 4.09mm of exposed cover and 0.25mm distance from the sensor.

1. Dimension and orientation of TMOS00-05 lens

To download 2D drawing above, see 4. Related documents


Please Note that the Center of Optical Window of the STHS34PF80 must be aligned with the center of the TMOS 00-05.

To download 3D drawing above, see 4. Related documents

 2. Detectable Range and Field of View

The %transmissivity of TMOS 00-05 is 67.4% compared to TMOS standalone (No Lens).

The FoV value for TMOS00-05 is (-42.1, 47.2) degrees.

  3. Housing for EVK with PCB (TMOS_34PF80 Rev2.1_noled_FrontCable)

To download 3D STL file for 3D printing below, see 4. Related documents

You can also purchase housings without lens from here(Click).


Housing consists 2 Parts. (see picture below).

Housing fastened by 4 Philips self-tapping Screws M2x8.
PCB TMOS_34PF80Rev2.1_noled_FrontCable
Assembled Lens TMOS 00-05
 - Contact - 
Fresnel Factory Inc.
Ashton KIM
            +82 10-5248-4630


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