IOT Module Package(10% off)
- Best optical performance at IR
- Qualified with global buyers
- Handful experience with R&D
Infrared Fresnel lens is primarily used to transmit infrared light for motion detector use. Passive Infrared PIR Fresnel lenses are molded in a flexible, 0.457mm thick, High Density PE.
Advantages of this product are: least absorption loss in the 8-14 micron region, extremely thin with consistent thickness across the lens, large apertures and minimal thermal expansion. The design of an infrared-transmitting Fresnel lens involves many complex considerations. Unlike other custom design of our products, we can not afford design service for PIR Fresnel items.
PD09-12008 x 5 pcs
PD06-12005 x 5 pcs
PD06-12008 x 5 pcs
PD05-12005 x 5 pcs
LHI878 x 5 pcs
Please leave a note to choose black or white lens in the last process of order.
According to our customer’s needs, we recommend ideal solution from our 106 existing products, which are increasing in diversity.
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