TMOS00-04 housing for TMOS sensor STHS34PF80(housing only)
- Best optical performance at IR
- Qualified with global buyers
- Handful experience with R&D
Both motion detection and presence detection are possible.
The perfect solution for California Title24.)1. Dimension and orientation of TMOS00-04 lens
Please Note that the Center of the Optical Window of the STHS34PF80 must be aligned with the TMOS 00-04 Center.
2. Detectable Range and Field of View
TMOS 00-04 changes the Field of View of STHS34PF80 from 80 degree to 50 degree.
This section will be updated.
3. Housing for EVK with PCB TMOS_34PF80
Please download the 3D STP file for 3D printing using the link below. | |
Housing consists 2 Parts with Directional Keys. All keys must be faced to the PCB connector (see picture below).
Housing fastened by 4 Philips self-tapping Screws M2x8. (To be updated)
PCB TMOS_34PF80Rev2.1_noled_FrontCable

Assembled Lens TMOS 00-04
Fresnel Factory Inc.
Ashton Myung KIM
+82 10-5248-4630